About Us

Who are we?

We are the brand of those who seek nature and adventures. The brand that allows you to blend with the city lights, the brand of new beginnings

Those who seek adventures and create moments and stories

We connect with the eternal youths and we want to encourage you to look outside, experience the world, and create your stories

We are the brand that gives you the comfort and style to live your life as actively as you deserve

We are the brand of those who seek comfort and freedom without giving up style

Our pieces are created with you in mind, so you can show the world who you are

We don't just sell clothes; we live each piece to give you an experience that you can show the world

We are the brand of freedom, comfort, and style

Our pieces will not only give you the style you deserve they will be the most comfortable, softer, stronger, and more colorfast items in your closet

Founded in 2022 by a mother and her teenage son, our mission is to open the doors of the world, without giving up style, comfort, and high quality



Meet Luuru

During the pandemic, one of the toughest moments in our lives, a mother, and her teenage son, had the determination to keep experiencing life. It has been only the two of them through thick and thin and they wanted something that represented their resilience to always go forward and they begin to dream.  How they can create something and keep close to people so they can feel the experience of the good things in lfe and the quality of a product in just one click away.

How it would be if they created a brand, what they can do, and what we would offer? What name should we give it?

Luuru is an independent fish that's so they were born females up to the time of procreations but in order to survive they change their gender to male. This is the greatest definition of adaptability and transformation and that’s why they found hope and they identify themselves with this mediterranean fish.

And the creation began

Luuru was created by our founders from the heart and their life experience as a gift to you, enjoy.